Magic Wand : Get messy art journal: Season of Magic


Don’t you just hate it when you can’t find your magic wand? I often joke about needing or wishing for a magic wand. I always think how lovely our home would look after a wave of my wand. I’d give it a little flourish and say ” dust be gone”, “cupboards be organized” or   “more time in my day” and there would be an accompanying little sound like Tinkerbell ringing her bell of course. I would settle for being able to twitch my nose like Samantha from Bewitched and if I hadn’t had two babies and was in my early twenties I could even go for the Jeannie outfit and famous magic nod of the head. (Plus who doesn’t want there own Genie bottle?)

Of course if I did have such a wand I would be wishing for far bigger and more worthy wishes things which my adult brain struggles to believe can ever happen. Like…” no more terrorism” just for starters!

I wondered how I could art journal about magic with all that is going on in the world right now, but you know what, I started and that’s exactly what I needed.


I needed to be reminded of joyful things, of childhood wonder and excitement. About every day magic moments which can pass us by if we are too busy, or worried and sad.

So here are my pages, for the start of another season of art journaling with Get Messy ,which I’m hoping I can be playful with. I’m bringing the girl who loved Bewitched, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and Peter Pan with me to the art journal party. The young version of me who wanted to be able to fly, be invisible at will, meet magical creatures and travel on a magic carpet. She’s visiting while I do these pages….I’m believing!

Emily 🙂

19 thoughts on “Magic Wand : Get messy art journal: Season of Magic

    1. Yay, I saw your name pop up the other day. Gosh that blank page terror is awful isn’t it. I hope by the time your read this there is something on your page Clare. Looking forward to seeing what you create ! Emily x

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  1. Beautiful Emily – I believe! I loved Bewitched and I love your pages. You’ve brought some great people to the party 🙂


  2. I’m so excited to be joining the Get Messy journey again. This season looks like my kind of thing : Magic. You’ve inspired me with yours Emily. I think that’s the key – to think about the magic we felt in our childhood.


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