Where I’m at today.

imageI know I go on a bit about balance, really more about imbalance. Well life has been really busy, busy enough to make finding the energy to do a little daily sketch seem tricky, busy enough that by the end of the day I am feeling a bit exhausted. Certainly last night I hit the wall. I managed to scrape a simple meal together ( baked potatoes with refried beans/vegies, cheese and sour cream), do the dishes and get into my pyjamas and that was it. I actually watched TV for the first time in ages (2 episodes of six feet under). I didn’t bring the washing in or sort any out, didn’t look at my planner or contemplate what today would be like. I went to bed and slept PHEW!

So today I woke up feeling like myself again, what a relief! Today I have prioritized my getmessy artjournaling, tinkersketch and blog. I had to drop the car off for a service so there will be no nipping out for errands or shopping and that feels SOOO GOOD! I would like a few more days like this. I feel like my spinning brain is spinning a little slower, I am breathing a little deeper and feeling more connected to creative me( another sigh of relief).

I’m going to finish this post quickly and move on to my next thing, but I will be back soon. I’ve missed being here. I know that sounds weird doesn’t it? but that’s how I feel.

Here’s a picture of my creative space (aka kitchen bench) today.


2 thoughts on “Where I’m at today.

  1. oh I’m pleased you’re feeling more settled today, Emily. This school year has been a whirlwind so far and I just now feel like we can catch our breath! I had a quiet day today too. Gave yoga a miss – will go on Thursday – walked the dog, did some knitting, reading, tinkersketching, faffing – and some gardening and ironing to discharge my housewifely duties! Looking forward to a little more calm tomorrow!


    1. It has been a whirlwind here too Carolyn. It sounds like you’ve had a good day too. I’m off to work tomorrow but I’m planning my next day off to be like today. Getting the housewifely duties done on other days ( hopefully!) Thanks for popping in. x


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