Start: Art Journaling Time : Get Messy

Should I already have an idea of what this post will contain? I really don’t, not yet. Let’s see I guess I feel the need to attach some words to my weekly art journal post, so here goes.


Just as with blog post writing, the sitting down to begin is usually the trickiest part of art journaling for me. Once I start, even if I just do a little something I usually feel pleased with myself ( easy to please hey). I could give you all the boring details of what made it hard this to sit down with my journal, trolley of supplies and prompts this week but nah I’m just going to show you what I did instead. We’ve been talking about rituals that help you begin creating over on Instagram under the #gmcreative thoughts and I’m thinking this is an area I can work on . Do you have any rituals that help you get in the zone? Lately , I tend to get out my art journal and choose 2-3 colours to start with, but I’m getting some great ideas from other people. Head to IG and join in if you want to. Just check out @getmessyartjournal for the details.

So this week I played with acrylic paint, finger painting on my gelli plate, printing on deli paper and some doodling.

I added a quote which I spotted on my daughter’s journal.

I stamped with a wine cork on some paper.

I added some random marks and voila ….


I’ve also been adding to my little journal and really enjoying how is’s growing, and my weekly moleskine project is coming along nicely too.


No wonder I like art journaling, it’s basically just fun!


I’m not even done with this weeks Get Messy art journaling prompts and ideas, but hey it’s only Wednesday. Maybe I could add things to next weeks post? It’s actually great that there is a break between seasons to catch up!

In other news my computer is running at a scarily slow pace and I don’t think I can put of for much longer sending it to the computer doctor ( but I probably will). I’m loving the start of Autumn with beautiful summer like days. The mornings are staying darker for longer, but the evenings have been perfect for walks and we are making the most of that while it lasts! My man continues on his return to good health (and work), and I’m just appreciating life returning to our new normal so much!

I hope  things are well in your world and your technology is being kind to you.


Emily 🙂




5 thoughts on “Start: Art Journaling Time : Get Messy

  1. I admire your dedication to sitting down with all those supplies. Reaching for a couple of pencils is as the best I can do! My ritual is to internally shout at myself ‘do something!’


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