Art journaling time : Get Messy : Happy week 6


Art journaling with childhood memories of happiness brought me to kinder again, and it was fun to do a few little drawings around my memories of painting, dressing up and hammering bits of wood. I have lots of happy memories that my drawing level isn’t up to yet, like patting cats, being read to , being carried on my Dad’s shoulders,being allowed to look through Mum’s jewellery box and the happiness of just being with my family.

I struggle with sharing how the prompts from Get Messy inspire me without actually saying exactly what the prompts are. But for this page the prompt was around finishing the sentence “Happiness is”, I brainstormed on this and came up with some ideas about how Happiness is – sometimes fleeting, sometimes surprising, a gift, a treasure, a great companion. In the end I settled on here and now, because at that moment I was feeling pretty happy. Sitting in my studio (lounge room), in a sunny spot with my art journal page painted in a pleasing pink.


To be honest this week I haven’t been the happiest version of myself. I’m wondering if hormones are playing havoc with my head, or if the major disruption of last year is finally catching up with me. Maybe I’m trying to do to much or maybe I’m just at a bit of a crossroads and overthinking things, but crying at the drop of a hat and having a racing heart are signs for me to do something. So I’m going to use the break between Get Messy seasons to regroup, catch up on some of the fabulous tutorials and also practice some self care and time out. ( and possibly some research into Perimenopause !)

Thanks for reading my slightly oversharing post. I just wanted to stay authentic here and now I’ve written these words I’m feeling a little clearer. Writing is really therapeutic isn’t it!

Emily xx



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