Art meets lists : Get Messy Lists, week 1


imageRunning behind this week but at least it is still this week and I’m throwing together a quick post about this week’s art journaling.

I’m not going to lie, I struggled this week. Trying to combine lists with art journaling at first had me doing everything else on my list except work in my little lists journal ( I even worked on the tax return haha). I guess it’s just a new challenge for my brain and at first the neural connections weren’t happening. But then, bit by bit, just by actually sitting down at looking at the prompts again and then starting, I found my mojo….Yay


I realise I have this habit of over thinking things, trying to come up with the words to express myself can actually lead to me saying nothing, well not in real life but in my art journals. So I kind of and going with a more relaxed and  light hearted interpretation of the prompts.


For the “What I have sacrificed prompt”, I contemplated writing – “My pelvic floor to have children”.But ended up realizing that I actually don’t feel I have sacrificed anything, rather that I have made choices and all choices have consequences. Then I mispelled  sacrifice and didn’t realize till after I’d shared on Instagram. I’m so brilliant! hahaha


This tiny book cost about $2.00 and I’m seeing more of these in my future. One of the great things about Get Messy art journaling is that there are always new things to try, new challenges to explore and this is where the growing and learning happens.

So feeling like a friend who has talked all about me and not said much at all or asked about you I’m going to pour a glass of wine and get ready for another week. I hope all is well in your world.

Emily x

8 thoughts on “Art meets lists : Get Messy Lists, week 1

  1. Little books are great aren’t they. I’m using my small journal this time as a sort of try it & see what happens rather than any wonderful pieces of art! Writing with my left hand was interesting & like you I don’t feel as though I’ve had to sacrifice anything. Would I do it all again the same way…do you know what I think I probably would. Have a good week xx


  2. Haha! Sacrificing the pelvic floor! Yep, done that too! I think you’re right about making choices. I don’t feel like I have sacrificed anything either. I realise somethings won’t happen now, but that’s life really!

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